Mary’s First Lord’s Supper Experience

Scripture Reading: Luke 22:14-20


  1. As we gather today to partake in the Lord’s Supper, we understand the Lord’s Supper as a weekly observance, a memorial of Christ’s sacrifice, and a time for self-examination.
  2. Let’s take a moment to reflect on what it must have been like for Mary, the mother of Jesus, during her first experience of this ceremony.
  1. Imagine Mary in the early days of the church, perhaps sitting among the disciples in Jerusalem as they broke the bread together.
    1. The memory of her son’s sacrifice was still fresh, the grief still sharp, but so was the joy of His resurrection and the hope it brought.
      1. Mary had seen Jesus grow from a boy into a man, and she had witnessed His ministry, miracles, and teachings.
      2. She stood by as He suffered and died on the cross, and she rejoiced at the news of His resurrection.
    2. Now, as she joined the disciples in this new practice, each element of the Lord’s Supper must have held profound significance.
      1. The Bread: In Luke 22:19, Jesus took the bread, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”
        1. For Mary, this wasn’t just a ritual. It was a powerful reminder of the physical body of her son that was crucified.
        2. She would have remembered His words and deeds, the compassion He showed, and the suffering He endured.
        3. As she partook of the bread, it was an intimate act of remembrance and gratitude.
      2. The Cup: Likewise, in verse 20, Jesus took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”
        1. The cup represented His blood, shed for the remission of sins.
        2. Mary would have thought of the Passover lamb and how Jesus fulfilled that role as the ultimate sacrifice.
        3. The cup symbolized the New Covenant, a promise of salvation and eternal life.
        4. For her, it wasn’t just grape juice but a profound symbol of hope and redemption.
  2. As we partake in the Lord’s Supper today, let’s strive to capture the depth of meaning that Mary must have felt.
    1. This is more than a ritual; it’s a moment to connect deeply with the sacrifice of Christ.
      1. Each week, as we break the bread and drink the cup, we’re reminded of His body and blood given for us.
      2. This remembrance should lead us to self-examination, gratitude, and a renewed commitment to living out His teachings.
      3. In 1 Corinthians 11:28, Paul urges believers to examine themselves before eating the bread and drinking the cup.
    2. Let’s take this time to reflect on our own lives, seeking forgiveness for our sins, and renewing our dedication to follow Jesus.


  1. Mary’s first Lord’s Supper experience would have been filled with sorrow, gratitude, and hope.
  2. As we participate today, let’s remember her perspective and allow it to deepen our own.
  3. Let the bread and the cup remind us of the cost of our salvation and inspire us to live in a way that honors that great sacrifice.

Prayer for The Bread: Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, whose body was given ultimately as the once for all time sacrifice. As we partake of the unleavened bread, which is an emblem of His body, help us to remember the depth of His love and sacrifice. May we be inspired by Mary’s example of faith and devotion, and may this act of remembrance strengthen our resolve to live for You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Prayer for The Cup: Heavenly Father, we continue our sincere gratitude for your Son’s sacrifice in the pouring out of His life giving blood. As we partake of the fruit of the vine, which is an emblem of that blood, we realize we would have no hope of eternity without this blood that can cover our sins. Help us to remain faithful to death so this precious blood may continue to cleanse us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.