My favorite dessert has always been cinnamon rolls. This Keto version is doughy, gooey, and full of buttery cinnamon sweetness without the guilt!
Mary’s First Lord’s Supper Experience
Imagine what it must have been like for Mary – the mother of Jesus – to partake in the Lord’s Supper for the first time. What was she thinking? How did she reconcile the memories of her little boy growing up with the reality and meaning of His ultimate sacrifice? We ought to partake of the Lord’s Supper each week with the same mind and emotion as did Mary.
Acceptance Without Compromise
What happens when we disagree with our brethren? Do we get upset and shut them down, or do we try to understand where they are coming from? Regardless of the nature of our disagreements we can be accepting without compromising The Truth.
Agree to Disagree?
In today’s confused and cynical post-modern culture, we are in desperate need of clear, thoughtful analysis. We ought to never shut down dialogue but seek a deeper understanding of God’s Word.